Take control of the narrative.

Had an abortion? Used to be addicted to drugs? Currently addicted to pornography? Been divorced? Got pregnant out of wedlock? Satan would have you hide those realities in the deepest, darkest part of your soul from the entire world. He would use it secretly in your mind, and in your heart to tell you that you’re unlovable, you’re unworthy, you’re disgraceful, no one will except you. No one will respect you. No one will treat you well. But by flushing it out into the light where everyone can see the Savior can say “ Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds! I have already covered the sin. You are my friend”. He can look at the people around you and He can say “those who have not sinned cast the first stone!” Someone may throw a stone anyway. We know they’re not of us and are working on behalf of satan to keep you down.

Flush those sins out into the light, so that the Lord can wash you clean. Repent from those sins. Find people to hold you accountable, so you don’t have to make those mistakes again. Know that every mistake you made in the past has already been covered by the blood. And once you accept Jesus as your savior, you are a new creature. Then it should be your prayer that the Lord will renew your mind, purify your heart, so that you can go forward with dignity and honor, knowing where you stand with your savior.

REJOICE! For the Lord is good!

May be an image of silo, tree, twilight, grass, road and horizon