Putting our health first

I found myself in with an almost spotless house screaming at my children. Screaming commands. Commands to clean. I realized in that moment just how much I sucked. It was a healthy realization. Realizing we suck is a good thing when we also realize just how much power we have to change. After that I sat for a moment outside in the sun. My happiest place. I thought to myself; Why am I doing this?

I was exhausted, foggy feeling in my head, embarrassed by my body, and shaking with anxiety. How did I go from feeling good just a few months ago to this? It’s amazing how quickly we can swing out of orbit and into darkness. As I sat there analyzing my pathetic parenting skills I realized. I haven’t been going to bed before midnight. I have been getting up only once I have been demanded to by the girls. I haven’t drank water in several days. I haven’t stretched in weeks. I have eaten more sugar in the last week than I had in entire years before. No wonder I felt so awful. How we feel effects how we act toward others. Especially family. That is why as mothers we must prioritize our health above most other things.

We can’t love our children and show them what true Christian character looks like if we are out of our minds, exhausted, and irritable. We must show them that water is not a drink to be hated, exercise can be as simple as a good stretch while we watch a movie, and that sleep is our friend. We show them that it is okay to let the work lay while they tend to themselves and their eternal souls.

So, today right out a list of healthy habits that you wish to start adding to your life. Then do it.