Overcoming sin is part of the journey….

Overcoming sin is difficult at best….. but never impossible. It takes discipline that is learned and strength that is earned. The scriptures tell us about many of Gods favorite people. None of which were sinless. They built this resistance to sin. And when they failed the consequences they had to endure were terrible. The stories help us to see that though God loves us “while we were yet sinners” sin is like rotting flesh. We will never be our healthiest, happiest, or most fulfilled until it has been cut off. This is part of our journey as Christ followers. We are all at different stages of this and dealing with different sins. Scripture is clear about praying for fellow believers, verbally supporting them through edifying speech, and loving correction. Coddling another’s sin is toxic, but taking it upon yourself to “punish” a person for their sin is a sign of pride and arrogance that is also sinful. Bringing us to: “deal with the plank in your eye before you try to dig the splinter out of mine!” – Just a few thoughts I had during my reading today.
