Genetic Cleanliness

I’ve been reading through Genesis, and I came to the part where Esau and Jacob had their altercations. Every time I’ve read this I’ve always thought it’s so interesting that God would allow Esau to have everything stolen from him. Then Jacob be blessed. There are a few things that I noticed this time I read it. Esau was a wild man who lived out in the woods and was covered in hair to an extreme degree. We know odd hair patterns are a sign of genetic mutations. Now we know that genetic purity is very important to God, and so I am wondering if the reason Esau was not allowed to be The grandfather of Christ is because of him possibly having a genetic issue. Now I also noticed that Jacob was a tent dweller most likely he was an introvert who was very content, and he may not have wanted to travel back to Abrahams people to get a wife. He may have picked someone local or close by or maybe even gotten a wife from one of Isaac’s half brothers. Which was half of the local tribes and also not a pure bloodline, so I also wonder if God allowed this altercation to arise to force Jacob to go back to Abrahams people to get a wife because He liked that genetic bloodline for the coming of Christ. Then I also noticed that when Jacob returned back to Esau, he gave Esau everything he took from him materially and he blessed him. In the end, Esau was blessed and well off. Both sons ended up very well off. But only one could father the lineage that led to Christ.