GAPS Diet for the whole family.

Our family has used the gaps diet on two other occasions to: lose weight, lower inflammation, help with digestive system struggles, rashes, and fatigue. Even mental health struggles have greatly improved while on this diet.

Every symptom we experience is a result of something we are putting in our body. Movies we watch. Food and drinks we consume. Music we listen to. The vibes of people around us. Cosmetics we lather onto our bodies. Most of the time in the western hemisphere people take a pill to mask the symptoms instead of getting to the root of the issue. Our family chose to do things the holistic (eastern) way. We think deeply about what are bodies are doing. Rash? What causes a rash. We will then problem solve within our daily lives until the rash goes away. We learn through this process how to better care for our bodies. I mean, we only get one might as well give it the best we can.

Now, we also refuse to make our bodies and this lifestyle an idol. I purchase what I can afford. Sometimes that’s not the healthiest option on the market, but I know that I can trust God to provide what we really need, and our bodies are resilient within reason. An example of this is organic. We don’t always buy organic, but it is better to purchase a nonorganic apple and eat it then to not buy it at all. I’m doing my best with the means I have. I choose not to stress over every detail and if my kid eats food coloring at a birthday party I don’t panic. I do what I can within reason with good faith.

So now that we are in the best season for fresh home grown fruits, veggies, and meats we have decided to use this as an opportunity to do a health reset using the GAPS diet as our inspiration. We will be doing it for the month of July. The GAPS diet teaches that every illness starts in the gut. We are applying the primary principles to our diet for one month. I am so excited to see how much weight I lose and if I see improved sleep in our children.

No grains, no processed sweeteners, no cane sugar, no food coloring, no preservatives, no additives, no gums, or heat processed oil. All ingredients lists must consist only of natural God made ingredients. Mostly organic. This diet is anti inflammatory. Each meal includes a probiotic fermented element. nutrient dense bone broth is served daily in a soup or tea. It’s a major change from the normal American diet, but it is VERY effective.

I’m including our menu and grocery list below. Feel free to reach out on Instagram or Facebook if you have questions!