Category: religion

  • Overcoming sin is part of the journey….

    Overcoming sin is difficult at best….. but never impossible. It takes discipline that is learned and strength that is earned. The scriptures tell us about many of Gods favorite people. None of which were sinless. They built this resistance to sin. And when they failed the consequences they had to endure were terrible. The stories…

  • Are you struggling to read your Bible?

    Is reading through the bible difficult or is it a lower priority than we want to admit? As a wife and stay at home momma who also works from home. I understand how easy it is to put off reading indefinitely. I have gone weeks without opening my bible saying “I’ll do it tonight”. I…

  • Running the race as a mother

    All my life I wanted children, and now I have three. It has allowed me to see things more clearly. I analyze things longer and deeper than before. I have learned so much. Made so many hard decisions. Made so many promises to myself and them. Promises to end generational curses, to lift them into…

  • A word for those who grew up in legalistic religion and ran from it.

    They fought to keep their children pure and holy with the belts and the threats. They focused so heavily on perfect superior behavior that they didn’t have energy left to care for the inner person of each child. Daughters fearfully covered more and more. Embodied perfect submission. Denied themselves the right to feel, think, or…

  • We are heard

    Growing up I always knew God could hear me. Some of my earliest memories I am praying. There were times in my teens I was convinced God wouldn’t want to hear from me. That I was too dirty and unworthy to be acknowledge by such a Holy and Sovereign God, but I found my way…

  • Baptism

    Oh, how precious to be baptized. To share with all that you have met Christ and the Holy Spirit. 1 Timothy 2:3-4 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.