Category: Children

  • Putting our health first

    I found myself in with an almost spotless house screaming at my children. Screaming commands. Commands to clean. I realized in that moment just how much I sucked. It was a healthy realization. Realizing we suck is a good thing when we also realize just how much power we have to change. After that I…

  • Running the race as a mother

    All my life I wanted children, and now I have three. It has allowed me to see things more clearly. I analyze things longer and deeper than before. I have learned so much. Made so many hard decisions. Made so many promises to myself and them. Promises to end generational curses, to lift them into…

  • BEEUTIFUL Creation

    One day while scrolling on Facebook I came across a news article about honey bees, and how their numbers are quickly declining. I was shocked to read how so many of our lifestyle practices are killing them. Things like: killing “weeds” with sprays you get from the hardware store, spraying insecticides in your gardens, and…

  • Finding your joy

    This is a beautiful poem I wrote while teaching my daughter’s about joy and happiness. I want all children to understand and embrace their emotions.

  • We are heard

    Growing up I always knew God could hear me. Some of my earliest memories I am praying. There were times in my teens I was convinced God wouldn’t want to hear from me. That I was too dirty and unworthy to be acknowledge by such a Holy and Sovereign God, but I found my way…

  • Brave as a Lion

    I wrote this poem for my own daughters when teaching them about fear. I want all children to understand their emotions and thrive with them. I myself have experience a raising where emotions, unless it was joy, must have been hidden. This has caused me to spend years of my adulthood learning to embrace and…

  • Teaching children to cry.

    I wrote this poem to encourage my own daughters to feel their emotions and work through them in healthy ways. Let us create a generation of emotionally healthy humans who love themselves and one another.