Being confidently you

We all have people in our lives that are unsupportive of us. People who will sometimes be nice to us, but majority of the time they’ll be cold and rude. When you have moments like this it is important to remember places in scriptures where this type of thing happened.

When Jesus went back to Nazareth (Luke 4) to share the gospel the reaction of the people was; is this is not Mary‘s son? Is this not so and so’s brother? He thinks He’s the Messiah?! They did not believe Him. This is a good example of people in your hometown doubting you. I’m not trying to say that we are equal to Jesus. I’m simply saying that it doesn’t matter how perfect you are. There will always be shade thrown in your direction. So don’t let it faze you and don’t take it personally.

I also think about the time Jesus told His disciples to go share the gospel in different towns; and when a town rejected them they were to leave and shake off the dust from their clothes and shoes. Then they were to go onto the next town. (Matthew 10). I think that’s a good example of when we are rejected repetitively by people even though we have showed grace and mercy and wisdom and love and value. Then sometimes we need to move on. There is a time to set boundaries and restrictions in a relationship.

I think about the scripture where Jesus says a person must first hate their mother and father to follow Him. (Luke 14). We have to put Christ above all else. That includes others opinions. Even our families opinions.

Now what we don’t want to do is change ourselves to avoid it. I know from experience. I spent years changing myself trying to make people love me, care for me, and show me affection. They didn’t do that until they chose to, and then it was usually to get information. “To be in the know”. Romans 14 is about living according to our own convictions. Not people pleasing. This is what I hold to now.

Please take comfort in knowing that you are not alone (John 15). You are loved (Romans 5). And the grace of God is far more than enough (also Romans 5). So, Keep running the race! (James 1)
