One day while scrolling on Facebook I came across a news article about honey bees, and how their numbers are quickly declining. I was shocked to read how so many of our lifestyle practices are killing them. Things like: killing “weeds” with sprays you get from the hardware store, spraying insecticides in your gardens, and not having a pollinator friendly flower bed. Also, lots of times when contractors, who are renovating old structures or cutting trees to build new ones, come across a hive they don’t take the time to schedule a removal by a local bee farmer. They just spray it. Killing 1000’s of food and flower blessing creations of God. This trend will do more harm than any of us can imagine. Well, I can’t lead a protest today, but I can educate my family. I wrote this poem for my daughters. Though I won’t cut down the mountain I will smooth out this hill by teaching my daughters to love and respect pollinators. I pray that many more families will begin to protect bees, and maybe even consider becoming bee farmers.