A word for those who grew up in legalistic religion and ran from it.

They fought to keep their children pure and holy with the belts and the threats.

They focused so heavily on perfect superior behavior that they didn’t have energy left to care for the inner person of each child.

Daughters fearfully covered more and more. Embodied perfect submission. Denied themselves the right to feel, think, or consider anything except what was directly placed before them by their dear parents.

Sons became angry, deceitful, and quiet. Deciding that to be the person they want to be they must first be bad. Excepting that they must be evil to watch the unchristian movie, talk to the pretty girl, or listen to music with words.

So, the daughters either never grew up and are still begging men to tell them how to live and what to do whether it be abusive or not; or they broke. They had a mental snap. And now they are selfish and cold. Running from anything that reflects religion.

The son’s excepted their evil title long ago, so what does it matter if they watch porn, sleep around, and do the drugs. They were never good anyway.

Legalism is shoving people into hell faster then anything else. Christian parents who teach action>grace are shoving their children into hell while calling themselves good.

As a child I believed that my actions were what got me into heaven. So when the anxiety, depression, and anger (all resulting from an abusive home) caused me to repetitively “sin” I came to the conclusion that I could not be saved. God didn’t want me to be saved. When I was lost and betrayed and kicked a toy on the floor I was told by a parent “You can’t tell me you’re saved, and act like this.” I lost hope in that false religion. I began to seek hope, pleasure, and love from the world. It wasn’t until I was severely sleep deprived, suicidal, and mentally unstable years later that a girl from my homeschool group reached out to me. She began telling me about God. Not religion. She became my friend and showed me that she also was imperfect but was saved anyway. With her encouragement I read the book of John for myself. I read it in one day. That’s impressive for me. What I read relieved me. Gave me hope. Made me feel truly unconditionally loved for the first time in my life. I threw myself into the arms of God and have never looked back.

If you believe you are unworthy of salvation or that you have lost your salvation here are scriptures to read. This will just get you started. You need to read the bible for yourself. Start with the New Testament and then the Old. Don’t let them lie to you. God wants you. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had sex out of marriage, had an abortion, been divorced, or have an addiction problem. He already loves you. Find Jesus. He will teach you right and wrong with a kindness and patience you haven’t experienced yet. And spoiler alert: not everything deemed by man as bad is sin. Run to Him and He will set you free.

Romans 3:23 For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

John 3:17 For God did not send His son to condemn the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him.

Acts 2:21 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Romans 10:9 If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that He rose from the dead you will be saved.

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not by you own works, but it is a gift from God.

1 Timothy 2:3-4 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires ALL people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

May be a closeup of 1 person
