Happy Anniversary Darling.

Happy 9th Anniversary to the valiant man of God who created for me a home of love, healing, and most importantly safety. You have allowed God to use you to answer every one of my prayers. Your patience is never ending. Your peace is unshakable. Your love is only comparable to that of Christs. With you I am whole. Thank you for fighting the battles I brought with me. Thank you for the joy I get to experience through the children we share, and the opportunities you are always encouraging me to seize. You are always telling me to write and to read. To eat good food and to walk. When the old voices tell me to shrink back you lift me up and put me up front. You remind me that my experiences are not for nothing, but have been and will be a tool God uses to bring Himself glory. I am a vessel so polished by your love and so strengthened through the fires of this world there is nothing I can not hold. Together we will remind the enemy of truth and will shine the light of our Heavenly Father into this dark world.